Cell phone & WeChat: +86 155 6156 5808
Email: harbinprivatetours@163.com
  • Harbin Winter Clothing Rental

    Harbin Winter Clothing Rental Warm Comfortable Experiences! Get outfitted with warm clothing so you can enjoy your time outdoors – view Harbin ice festival and participate in Harbin winter activities in comfort. Our winter clothing rentals provide you the best defense against the cold. We have you covered from head to toe! We offer a variety of clothing and snow boot sizes for both men and women. Don't worry about odors or viruses as clothes and shoes are disinfected inside and outside for each ...
  • 2024 Harbin winter clothes rental charge

     Reserve in adance Harbin winter clothing rental a set clothes included outer coat,fur/fluffy pants, non-slip snow shoes  charge one person:  1 -day380yuan, 2 -day450yuan, 3-day500yuan,  4-day600yuan, 5- day700yuan, 6 -day800yuan, one more day pay extra 100yuan, +guarantee deposit 300yuan(clothes back refund) Rental separately charge: a big outer coat alone is 350yuan in 3 days, one day more p...
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    Harbin Winter Clothing Rental

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+86 155 6156 5808
+86 155 6156 5808

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