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How to visit Harbin ice festival attractions in Ch

  • 2023 winter Harbin Ice festival there is a sky wheel, usually they need to booking time before take it, zero pay, today I am not surre, maybe they change the rules, if still need booking time, I send you QR code, you scan after choice time, must before 15 mints to book time, you must on time book, otherwise time gone, We usually keep that booking time page, when time is coming we summit, finish book need to screem shot QR code  every one book 1, need your phone number , hope you understand now after you are in the line with you booking time, next show your ice festival entry QR code tickets, they will scan entry tickets for taking sky wheel. 

    more information add wechat  Chinasafetravel

    or email  Harbinprivatetours@163.com

    Harbin Winter Clothing Rental

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