Cell phone & WeChat: +86 155 6156 5808
Email: harbinprivatetours@163.com
  • Harbin Visitor Lost on extremely Cold weather

    It was extremely cold day in Harbin city on 23 January 2023, our foreigners visitor lost on the way, because they only hire our car with driver service, their itinerary first stop sunisland for snow festival or call snow fair, they enjoyed very much, take too long, start 1pm, 4 pm the driver give us call make sure the clients not lost, before clients talked with us about cable car how to take, when they arrived other side, cable car closed, can not transfer back, guests will us call, we t...
  • 2023 ice festival introduced in Harbin China

    Ice festival at Harbin ice and snow world start on 1999, until now 24 Years,  the park covers 810,000 square meters, ice building covers 600,000 square meters, every year different look ing, every years new building, when Harbin weather cold enough start to building around 5 of December, taking half month finish, usually open around 23 of December, at the entry of February closed, ice world building by ice blocks, all ice blocks take from our River, called Songhuariver, what will building...
  • How to visit Harbin Siberian Tigers Park Harbin Ch

     Harbin Siberian Tiger Park, there are two entry tickets price,130yuan and 110yuan price,one bus with window with metal net, for people who want to buy meat during tour to feed tigers, one bus good for sightseeing and photos,We suggest if you don't plan to buy meat to feed tigers; it is better to seat with metal net bus, big window and not crowd to visit, will have good experience, if you want to experience to feed tigers, you pay feed tigers bus tour and buy meat on spot, cost from...
  • Happy Trip and Pay in Harbin 2023-2024 China

    We charge the price all same whatever you are Chinese guests or foreign guests,  you can live best hotel in Harbin same level hotel price different double or 3 times higher, you willing to pay hotels,  but you have no idea how much cost for private tour with high level knowledge tour guide and polite driver,  just hear the cost, that too expensive, please you calculate by yourself you will know, just one attraction ice festival, if 3 people in your family, entry tickets around ...
  • 2024 Harbin winter clothes rental charge

     Reserve in adance Harbin winter clothing rental a set clothes included outer coat,fur/fluffy pants, non-slip snow shoes  charge one person:  1 -day380yuan, 2 -day450yuan, 3-day500yuan,  4-day600yuan, 5- day700yuan, 6 -day800yuan, one more day pay extra 100yuan, +guarantee deposit 300yuan(clothes back refund) Rental separately charge: a big outer coat alone is 350yuan in 3 days, one day more p...
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    Harbin Winter Clothing Rental

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