Cell phone & WeChat: +86 155 6156 5808
Email: harbinprivatetours@163.com

4-Day Private Harbin Winter Tour

  •  Day 1 :  Your guide and driver meet you in Harbin airport at and transfer to your own arrange Harbin hotel,help you check in and you will have a half hour rest, then take you go to lunch, try some good Harbin food by you want.after lunch go to visit sophia church, it build on 1907, It is the landmark of Harbin, very beautiful, it is a unique building in the world

    The Latin layout of the plane is typical of Byzantine architecture
    after church you will be take to ice lanter festival at zhaolin park , to enjoy the city orignal ice festival place since 1963
    around 6:00 pm will back to hotel today tour finish
    Day2 morning meet you at your hotel lobby at 9:30am
    First go to watch ice swimming show on songhua river pool, ice swimming show also is harbin winter culture
    after this, go to snow sculture art expo at sunisland, to see snow achitechure and works
    then lunch for break , after lunch continue to adventure trip see the big siberia tigers, first we take scenic spot bus visit filed tigers,
    after this go to walking area see yonger tiger around 1.5 year old
    At last around 16:30 you will be take to ice festival at ice and snow world to enjoy songhua river ice and colorful light inside ice
    around 18:30 back to hotel , today tour finish.
    Day3 meet at your hotel lobby at 9:00 we go to harbin dragon tower you will stand the top to see the whole harbin
    after dragon tower go to Volga Manor spend half day there to enjoy unique and beautiful snow scenic and beautiful buildings
    afternoon around 16:00 back to Harbin, and transfter to hotel finshi ,at night if you want to do something, you can watch ice show. also very good
    Day 4  morning meet you at your hotel lobby at 9:00 am go to harbin polarland, you will watch the unique show whate whale show and sealion show
    and polar bear, penguin, snow wolf, and so on.
    after this go Zhongyang pedestrian street, and flood contral momument square, songhua river and eat lunch there,
    after lunch around 2:30pm transfer to airport to catch your flight on afternoon flight
    your Harbin trip is finish.

    Please reach us via email harbinprivatetours@163.com

    or  cell phone&Wechat + 86 155 6156 5808

    Harbin Ice Festival Private Tours

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Cell phone:
+86 155 6156 5808
+86 155 6156 5808

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