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  • China Harbin Snow boots rental

     01/06/2023, Harbin city China,  today some clients just snow boots rental for Harbin ice festival, we delivery to clients hotel follow their time schedule, clients happy and I am happy too. Just miss one client message, didn't read on time, when I see already 3 hours pass, sorry for not give him help about snow boots rental, next time will careful about message from Wechat . Snow boots rental in 3 days coat 150yuan, deposit 100yuan, the price quite reasonable,...
  • 2023 Harbin/Haerbin winter on January and February

     Harbin, China  winter on January the winter weather quite different with others pass year, it is very warm, compared pass years warm at least 10 degree, still very cold, but for us very warm, usually cold minus 20-35 degrees, 2023 on January and February  only minus 10-25 degrees. for us we like colder, that is north-east China, we like white snow on the ground, only cold and snow we feel that should be.come Harbin, China for winter trip if you are family better to have ...
  • Harbin Ice Festival open 17 of December on 2022

    Good news, Harbin ice festival at Harbin ice and snow world will open on 17 of december on 2022, during 17of december to 21 of december on 2022 is try to open, also tickets will lower then official open, try to open entry ticket is 200rmb per person, because some part not really finish, when official open entry ticket is 298rmb this year on 2022 to 2023  at the end of Feb. so welcome to Harbin, icefestivalprivatetours is ready to service for you, We have privater car, english-speaking to...
  • After 3 years China Corona Virus Situation 2022

     after three years corona virus China open the gate to the world, now everyone are sared and worried more than corona virus, also Chinese people are humorous, everyday people will make jokes about covid-19 today share one: question:  It is all unsealed, why no people on street answer: a part of people fever 38.6 degree at home. answer: a part of people buy medicine  are waiting fever 38.6 degree at home. answer: still a part of people are sevice for ...
  • 2022-2023 Harbin Ice Festival on time open

      Harbin 24th Ice and Snow World will meet you soon om 2022 to 2023 in Harbin city! Cutting ice, hauling ice, picking up ice block on songhua river, Chainsaw cutting, ice shovel carving, Harbin ice and snow world contruction in the world, at present, the construction of the 24th Harbin ice and snow world, at night is in full swing and split second, Harbin ice and snow world at the entire frame work of the scenice area has begun to energe, will soon meet the majority...
  • Harbin Covid-19 News and Ice Festival

     Harbin situation like ther cities in China, maybe a little slowly, but also Covid-19 open, you can go anywhere, but some places like Harbin attraction need covid test in 48 hours currently, who know coming days what will change, maybe just health code is green is ok, also Harbin city is very quite, almost no people go outside if not need, but most of people who work in the office they got coivd-19 virus, then  some boss let them continue to work, some boss allow no   ...
  • 2021 Harbin Tourism Downturn

      Affected by the epidemic, Harbin mail attractions are open, but still very lonely Although entry ticket offer discount, but ice festival and snow festival also build quality also discount, that is what you pay for what do you get, do argument, currently Harbin everything try to professional connect with international, we believe after epidemic, Harbin will be most popular tourism area in China and the world, we hope this day come soon and icefestivalprivate tour is waiting servic...
  • 2020-2021 Harbin Winter Warm Clothing Rental Still

     2020-2021 Harbin will be coldest year in 60 years, please ready your warm clothing for your ice festival in Harbin We offer winter gear in Harbin for your with good price Winter warm down coat , long or short warm boots warm pants warm hat  warm gloves contact us wechat: chinasafetravel  or 15561565808 Email: harbinprivatetours@163.com  http://www.icefestivalprivatetours.com/ ...
  • Corona Virus Stop in China

    2020-2021  Harbin Ice Festival still open tourists, although the world Corona Virus is till going, but it stop in China, we open tourism in every city, so no worry, come to Harbin enhoy your holiday with your friends or family on 2020 -2021 winter also entry tickets will cheap than other years. for more Harbin private tours information reach us wechat: chinasafetravel or 15561565808 Email: harbinprivatetours@163.com  http://www.icefes...
  • Full Refund payment Affect by Corona Virus

    Due to the coronavirus affecting China, all booking ice festival private tours clients cancel their tours, all full refunded payment on time, hope to see  world visitors in Harbin soon-Harbin Ice Festival Private Tours and Harbin Ice Festival is closed since 28  of January  on  2020 harbinprivatetours@163.com      Wechat: + 86  15561565808  ...
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