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2022-2023 Harbin Ice Festival on time open

  •  Harbin 24th Ice and Snow World will meet you soon om 2022 to 2023 in Harbin city!

    Cutting ice, hauling ice, picking up ice block on songhua river, Chainsaw cutting, ice shovel carving, Harbin ice and snow world contruction in the world, at present, the construction of the 24th Harbin ice and snow world, at night is in full swing and split second, Harbin ice and snow world at the entire frame work of the scenice area has begun to energe, will soon meet the majority of tourists.

    as soon as you enter the park, you can see the hot contruction scene, tall landscape around tower scranes, contruction site machinery roar, engineering traffice shuttle, ice contruction workers in their respective jobs in a nervous and orderly busy work, all hot.

    According to the contruction workers, a truckload of ice blocks from songhua river that have passed the inspection will be brought into the park, and a series of operations by the contruction workers will be carried out in the middle of the contruction of the construction of ice scape buidings that we can see, the tools used incude chainsaws, planing blades, ice shovels, and more than 20 kindd of ice.

    the 24th Harbin Ice and Snow world (ice festival) cover a total area of 810,000 square meters, including 600, square meters of ice construction area, 210,000 square meters of parking lots, and 150,000 cubit meters of ice and snow, hundreds of ice and snow landscapers were bult.

    writing from icefestivalprivatetours group, we offer private tours in Harbin, winter clothes rent in Harbin , for more information contact us email: harbinprivatetours@163.com or wechat: chinasafetravel   or 15561565808




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