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2023 Harbin/Haerbin winter on January and February

  •  Harbin, China  winter on January the winter weather quite different with others pass year, it is very warm, compared pass years warm at least 10 degree, still very cold, but for us very warm, usually cold minus 20-35 degrees, 2023 on January and February  only minus 10-25 degrees. for us we like colder, that is north-east China, we like white snow on the ground, only cold and snow we feel that should be.come Harbin, China for winter trip if you are family better to have some one take you looking around Harbin ice and snow festival, it is difficult travel in cold weather by yourself.

    also don't worry about warm winter clothing, we have professional clothes rent service group, offer you Harbin right clothes in winter.

    contact us add wechat  chinasafetravel

    or Email   harbinprivatetours@163.com



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