Cell phone & WeChat: +86 155 6156 5808
Email: harbinprivatetours@163.com

Harbin Ice Festival Open Date 2023-2024

  • The Harbin ice and snow festival is the largest and most famous one, known as the Harbin ice and snow world. It starts around December 20, 2023 and finish at the end of Febuary 2024

    Harbin Ice and snow world entry ticket is 330YUAN per person, under 1.2m is free, between 1.2-1.5 is 200YUAN per person, senor people up 65 years old with family free to entry.

    Please reach us via email harbinprivatetours@163.com



    or  cell phone&Wechat + 86 155 6156 5808


    Book Tickets for Harbin Attractions and Tours

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+86 155 6156 5808
+86 155 6156 5808

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