Cell phone & WeChat: +86 155 6156 5808
Email: harbinprivatetours@163.com

Harbin Ice Festival 2022-2023 entry ticket price

  •  at the end of December on 2022 to at the end of Feb. 2023 Harbin ice festival at Harbin ice and snow world entry ticket is 298yuan a person, elderly people age under 65 years follow your family free to entry to it, you need show your improve you are eldly people.

    if you need winter clothing rental also can contact us  wechat  chinasafetravel  emai: harbinprivatetours@163.com 

    Book Tickets for Harbin Attractions and Tours

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Cell phone:
+86 155 6156 5808
+86 155 6156 5808

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