Cell phone & WeChat: +86 155 6156 5808
Email: harbinprivatetours@163.com
  • Harbin Covid-19 News and Ice Festival 2022-2023

     Harbin situation like ther cities in China, maybe a little slowly, but also Covid-19 open, you can go anywhere, but some places like Harbin attraction need covid test in 48 hours currently, who know coming days what will change, maybe just health code is green is ok, also Harbin city is very quite, almost no people go outside if not need, but most of people who work in the office they got coivd-19 virus, then  some boss let them continue to work, some boss allow no   ...
  • The planning and design of Harbin Ice and Snow Wo

        For 2020-2021 Harbin Ice Festival on Harbin ice and snow world open date will be around 20 of December 2020  The Ice Festival on Harbin Ice and Snow World entry ticket price from 330RMB reduce to 100RMB on 2020-2021 Wechat add: chinasafetravel or 15561565808  Email: harbinprivatetours@163.com  http://www.icefestivalprivatetours.com/     &...
  • Harbin Snow Art on SunIsland entry ticket is330YUA

    Harbin  Snow Art Sculpture Expo. Sunisland  entry ticket is 330YUAN a ticket, child under 1.2m is free with adult, 1.2-1.4 Half price, no other discount for passport. for more information please contact us by email: harbinprivatetours@163.com  ...
  • Harbin Ice Festival Open Date 2023-2024

    The Harbin ice and snow festival is the largest and most famous one, known as the Harbin ice and snow world. It starts around December 20, 2023 and finish at the end of Febuary 2024 Harbin Ice and snow world entry ticket is 330YUAN per person, under 1.2m is free, between 1.2-1.5 is 200YUAN per person, senor people up 65 years old with family free to entry. Please reach us via email harbinprivatetours@163.com   &nb...
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